Book Counselling

Husband-Wife Relationship

Husband-Wife Relationship

Husband-Wife relationship and role of counselling

"And of His Signs is that He has created spouses for you from your own kind that you may find peace in them and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely there are Signs in this for those who reflect." (Surah ar-Room, 30:21)

In Arabic Sukoon is the opposite of Haraka or movement

Sukoon is the first purpose of marriage Sukoon implies that:

  • No injury in word or in deed
  • Spouses won’t look elsewhere for contentment
  • Both will make home a safe and calm sanctuary
  • Sukoon in two words: “lifelong satisfaction
  • GOLDEN RULE: Write the good about your spouse in stone and write their mistakes in sand

Marriage in Islam is a legal contract. It is a contract between two people in the presence of witnesses the Best of whom is Allah Himself before whom this contract is made and to whom the ones making the contract will be accountable. It is therefore essential that they understand what they are contracting to do. I recited before you an ayah (a verse) from the Qur'an where Allah speaks about the institution of marriage, calls it one of His signs and mentions specifically three special features about this institution.

He uses two critical words in this ayah:

The first word Allah used is the word Sukoon. Allah said: And among his signs is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kind so that you may find sukoon with them. So what is sukoon? It is a word that we use in Urdu as well so I am sure all my friends who understand Urdu have an idea about its meaning. In Arabic sukoon is the opposite of Al – Haraka – or movement. In Arabic grammar the equivalent of the maatra on the letter is called Al-Haraka which tells us how the letter “moves” meaning, how it is to be pronounced.

Allah has used the term sukoon as the first purpose of the marriage. He said that He creates mates for us so that we may find sukoon with them. So that we may find contentment with them. The first condition of the contract is that the spouses are undertaking to promise that they will henceforth lead their lives in such a way that they will make their companionship, their home, their being together and their support for one another a source of contentment and sukoon for each other. They are making Allah a witness that henceforth they will not look elsewhere other than towards each other for all the requirements of marriage.

When there is a sukoon on the letter it means that the letter remains as it is and will not move and will be pronounced in its original form.

That their eyes, ears, hearts, hands, feet will not stray away from their spouse. That there will be no Haraka, no movement away from the spouse. I ask Allah to give them and all those who are here in this gathering, sukoon with their spouses. It also means that both will make an effort to create a home which is a place of sukoon which they look forward to returning to after having been away from it for various reasons.

The second word that Allah has used in this ayah is Al-Mawaddah:. Allah said: And among his signs is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kind so that you may find sukoon with them. So what is sukoon? It is a word that we use in Urdu as well so I am sure all my friends who understand Urdu have an idea about its meaning. In Arabic sukoon is the opposite of Al – Haraka – or movement. In Arabic grammar the equivalent of the maatra on the letter is called Al-Haraka which tells us how the letter “moves” meaning, how it is to be pronounced.

The single most important secret of a good marriage: Allah said: And among his signs is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kind so that you may find sukoon with them. So what is sukoon? It is a word that we use in Urdu as well so I am sure all my friends who understand Urdu have an idea about its meaning. In Arabic sukoon is the opposite of Al – Haraka – or movement. In Arabic grammar the equivalent of the maatra on the letter is called Al-Haraka which tells us how the letter “moves” meaning, how it is to be pronounced.

For the spouse, his or her companion is their best friend. Allah said: And among his signs is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kind so that you may find sukoon with them. So what is sukoon? It is a word that we use in Urdu as well so I am sure all my friends who understand Urdu have an idea about its meaning. In Arabic sukoon is the opposite of Al – Haraka – or movement. In Arabic grammar the equivalent of the maatra on the letter is called Al-Haraka which tells us how the letter “moves” meaning, how it is to be pronounced.

"And of His Signs is that He has created spouses for you from your own kind that you may find peace in them and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely there are Signs in this for those who reflect."

(Surah ar-Room, 30:21)


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